The Summary
Location: Singapore Service: Acoustic Solutions
Completion Date: January 2022

PTS Singapore was engaged as the Acoustics Consultant for a client's Production Studio project, which was built to serve its business requirements and deliver recording, production & live-streaming of multimedia event experiences. The project was successfully handed over in January 2022 after an eight-month construction programme.
Design Highlights
Acoustics performance is critical in any studio as noises both distract and interfere with on-site recordings. Acoustic goals to achieve included:
Meeting a stringent Noise Criterion (NC).
Good Sound Insulation (no noise leakage, speech privacy etc.)
Room Acoustics Performance (no echo, reflections etc.)
Meeting industry's best acoustic practice standards for broadcast production studios.
As different spaces require a different acoustic approach, requirements gathering and on-site inspections were conducted to identify the acoustic needs and vulnerabilities prior to the acoustic design of the studio. Following which, the below-mentioned acoustic recommendations were suggested and implemented by PTS Singapore for the project:

Noise treatment of the Air-Con (AC) and dehumidifier equipment in close proximity to the studio via use of recommended duct and acoustic enclosure sizes.
Specification of right supply diffusers and return grilles to minimise airflow noise.
Assessment of ceiling and floor penetrations and openings.
Insulated the studio from internal (e.g. ceiling / wall-borne) and external noises (e.g. traffic) through installation of acoustic materials.
Selection of proper glazing and door systems to minimise noise transfer and match acoustic performance of partitions.
Protect studio's acoustic integrity by ensuring all gaps and openings are sealed, including all cable penetration at upper and under raised floors & baffle walls. Non-essential cabling works are re-routed out of the studio.
Reduce noise reflection through the use of sound-absorbing ceiling and acoustic wall finishes.
Following construction, acoustic testing was conducted to validate PTS' designs were executed by the contractor to the right standards of quality and finish.
The result - a Broadcast Production Studio where noise is effectively controlled where audio can be captured at an optimal level.